Grid_Synergy has a team of learning designers who are experts at designing and developing content on learning management systems such as Open edX, a powerful and flexible web-based learning platform. We specialise in developing highly customised learning solutions and courses that meet the specific learning needs of your organisation and its target users/customers. To do this, we customise, develop, redesign and deliver training materials via Open edX, creating a learning solution that best suits your organisation and target audience, regardless of the size of your organisation. With a wide range of cutting-edge learning tools, technologies, and methodologies in our repertoire, our digital or blended learning courses are seamlessly integrated into learning management systems to create accessible, practical, and powerful learning experiences. We also provide open edX training to public and corporate clients so that they can acquire the practical skills and knowledge to not only use the platform but also develop effective learning experiences for it.

Open edX training to either public or corporate customers

Redesign training materials for Open edX